Monday, November 28, 2011

Milner Family

This family wins the Trooper Award. The temperature said 50 degrees, but the wind made it bitter cold. Everyone was really good about it--the kids smiled because their parents said that the quicker they smiled, the quicker they'd get out of there. I'm really happy with the result though and we got done very fast.









Monday, November 14, 2011

Dahl Family Preview

Seriously gorgeous family!!! I want the mom's hair--it always looks this beautiful, at least every time I see her. Thanks Dahls. It was a very fun photo shoot.

I could hardly believe we got this one. I have a few good photos of him running away...cute, but so glad we got this one.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

N Family

We shot these photos at the Star Mill in American Fork. Great place for fun backgrounds and props.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

T's Family

This family was so fun to photograph. Their daughters are gorgeous, no?
Just look at those cheeks.

This little one was not in the mood to smile. This was about as good as we could get.
This one was just the opposite--she's a born model.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ashby Family Preview

These are a few of my favorites from a recent shoot. I'm still trying to whittle down the other favorites--too many good ones to choose from!

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Brother's Family

These are some photos from a shoot I did with my brother's family. They recently moved back from overseas and we're back in Utah after a stint in Iowa, so it is fun for us all to be back together again. They are a beautiful family.

This little one is an angel...can't you tell?

My niece in this next photo said that this is one of her favorite pictures ever taken of her. I think that is a big compliment coming from an almost 13-year-old. I think she's gorgeous and I love that she gave me a real smile and didn't try to hide her braces.

One lone boy among 4 girls!

And this is their beautiful mama! We picked a great day--the autumn colors were fabulous.