Monday, March 7, 2011

My Brother's Family

These are some photos from a shoot I did with my brother's family. They recently moved back from overseas and we're back in Utah after a stint in Iowa, so it is fun for us all to be back together again. They are a beautiful family.

This little one is an angel...can't you tell?

My niece in this next photo said that this is one of her favorite pictures ever taken of her. I think that is a big compliment coming from an almost 13-year-old. I think she's gorgeous and I love that she gave me a real smile and didn't try to hide her braces.

One lone boy among 4 girls!

And this is their beautiful mama! We picked a great day--the autumn colors were fabulous.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

C Family

This was quite the interesting shoot so this family gets the trooper award. We went out to the apple orchard hoping to beat or hide from the rain, but first it was so Iowa pre-rain hot and muggy that all of us were sweating like crazy! Then, we got dumped on! We had to run and take shelter under trees and then try to dash for our cars. Still we got a few great shots, even if the sky is more grey than blue.

Look at this toothless grin. I love it!!

Because of the rainy fiasco, we met up again on a crisp, clear morning and took a couple for family shots. I think this one makes up for the hot, muggy, rainy day.