Saturday, October 20, 2012

Oviatt Family

Beautiful family in a beautiful place. And what girl wouldn't want those hot pink shoes!

Such a perfect little face!

And we even got her to give a big smile--I think this involved some m&m's.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

For Lauren

6 versions


Black and White:

Vivid Color:

Faded Color:



8 Years Old

I got to take these photos of two sweet 8 year old neighbors in their beautiful white baptism dresses. The first was taken in the spring, the second was just recently in the fall. Maybe it's because I only have little boys, but I LOVE little girls in dresses. 

Probably one of my favorite photos ever:

Nelson Family

My brother's beautiful family. This photo shoot was way back in the spring of this year. I remember I was feeling so nauseous before starting the shoot, but when I got to focus on taking their photos, I wasn't nauseous at all. I loved having this wonderful distraction to feel good for an hour or so.  

This is my very favorite photo from the day. Amy and her daughters. Aren't they beautiful and the light and the trees and just everything about it!

Sam and Sally

It's been a long time since I've posted photos. I blame pregnancy. From the first time I throw up (about 6 or 7 weeks along), I just tend to not feel like doing anything extra. But I'm now about 8 months, so I think I should go back and post some of the great sessions from earlier this year or they'll never get posted once this baby comes. 

This one was just about a month ago. These are my cute neighbors. Their mom says that when they're actually nice to each other, they are usually very silly. I think we caught some of that silliness.

This next one is my favorite one--so good to have a brother or sister to make you laugh!